
  • Attack
  • Dmg (%) vs Warrior
  • Armor Break (%) (Shadow)
  • Attack
  • Attack (%)
  • Armor Break (%)


Basically he does pretty much all true damage and ignores most of defense, in essence a hard counter to def based tanks like Dantalian. Kama's eye is used in conjunction with an armor break stone and Bonecarver's naturally absurd armor break to boost the armor break to pretty much its maximum value. Haven't tested but at six stars with this setup his AB should be 100+% (although it probably hardcaps at that point) without his skill so that silence wont really do a whole lot except prevent him from using his skill. This comes with the drawback of his skill basically only providing a small atk boost so his skill and doing a moderate amount more damage than usual. All in all he should be pretty solid in pvp up to the point you deal with 10 stars and enabled heroes, because his star cap is nine and it becomes a major handicap against him by limiting his level to 200, as compared to 10 stars and above which are capped at a much higher 250+ with even more bonus stats to boot with them being ten stars. All in all, he's not really something you should strive for because by the time you get him and all his gear and stuff you'll probably have something a ton better, namely a ten star. This build is mostly a thought experiment on how far the theoretical limit of armor break is and if we can reach it. By the way, if any of you blue whales with some time and fodder to spend feel like making this build into reality, then please add me on discord @.Papa Allen(Asta)#8888 or email me at and send me a screencap of him and his stats, I really would love to see it!

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