Asmodel Instakill Build

  • Attack (%)
  • Reduce Dmg (%)
  • Control Immune (%)
  • HP
  • HP (%)


Ever since the introduction of Faith Blade and Amuvor, the meta shifted towards speed and crowd control. Sadly this meta change hurt Asmodel quite a bit, as its subpar 1161 speed gets overtaken by Kamath, DH, Valentino, Jahra, Michelle, FB, and DA. And then there is Kroos who stuns an entire team when its HP hits below half. All these heroes together made it hard for Asmodel to unleash its holy wrath in crit damage onto his enemies, and thus he has seen decreased usage in high pvp scenario's. However not all is lost for Asmodel. With the introduction of the Magic Stone Sword artifact he is now a viable choice again in high lvl pvp fights. The Magic Stone Sword helps protecting Asmodel against those nasty cc bullies and allows him to proc his godly crit damage more often, while also increasing his damage and durability. It isn't by all means a permanent solution to his weakness to cc, but the 25% cc immunity is definately a big help for him. 1st or 2nd slot are the preferred slots, since Kamath cc's the backline.

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